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General Radio 1192-B
General Radio 1192-B Counter

Available from 1973 to 1978+

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog73 1973 328
Catalog78 1978 242
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1192-B Counter was introduced in Catalog 1973 and remained available through Catalog 1978.

The Type 1192-B is an electronic digital counter, an updated version of the 1192 with its maximum frequency increased from 32 MHz to 50 MHz. It is designed to measure frequency, period, frequency ratio, or time interval, or count events.

The instrument has two inputs − the A or main input is located on the front panel, the B input on the rear of the instrument. The A input features a three-step attenuator and a variable trigger control with maximum frequency of 50 MHz. The B input is used for ratio measurements, or the insertion of an external time base. This input has fixed trigger level and attenuation, and a 10 MHz frequency limit. Also located on the rear panel are start and stop inputs that complement the front panel start/stop push buttons for event counting. A front panel "test" push button is available for testing the logic, it does not check calibration. The time base calibration is accessible through a hole in the bottom of the case.

The counter was available in 5, 6, or 7 digit models. An optional accessory card buffered the display and made data outputs available at the rear panel.

The Type 1157-B 500 MHz Scaler was available to raise the counter frequency to 500 MHz. An optional cabinet housing both the 1157-B scaler and an 1192 counter was available as Type 1192-Z.


  • Frequency Measurements: DC to 50 MHz
  • Period Resolution: 0.1 μs
  • Time Interval Resolution: 0.1 μs
  • Impedance: 50 Ω // 27 pF channel A; 10 kΩ // 20 pF channel B

