The General Radio 1025-A Sweep Frequency Generator was introduced in Catalog R (1963) and remained available through Catalog T (1968).

General Radio 1025-A
Sweep generator
General Radio 1025-A Sweep Frequency Generator

Available from 1963 to 1968

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog R 1963 128
Catalog S 1965 148
Catalog T 1968 196
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

Its frequency-determining variable capacitor rotor is motor-driven. Also mounted on the rotor is a trigger used to create a marker for the swept frequency. The oscillator covers 0.7 to 230 MHz plus two band spread segments. The segments on this particular unit are 400 to 500 kHz for broadcast radio IF frequency, and 10.7 MHz ±300 kHz for FM and TV broadcast IF frequencies. Other custom band spread segments were available. There's also a control to manually turn the rotor to set up the sweep characteristics.


  • Frequency Range: 0.7 to 230 MHz in 10 ranges plus band spread ranges
  • Calibration Accuracy: At output voltages less than 0.3 volt, frequency is indicated to within +0.5%
  • Drift: Not greater than 0.3% for five hours after one-hour warmup
  • Sweeping Rate: 22.2 milliseconds 20 times per second

