The General Radio 1607-A Transfer-Function and Immittance Bridge was introduced in Catalog P (1959) and remained available through Catalog U (1970).

General Radio 1607-A
Transfer-Function and Immittance Bridge
General Radio

Available from 1959 to 1970

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog P 1959 36
Catalog Q 1961 36
Catalog R 1963 56
Catalog S 1965 56
Catalog T 1968 130
Catalog U 1970 146
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The Type 1607-A is a null-type instrument designed to measure transfer-functions and immittance at frequencies from 25 MHz to 1.2 GHz using separate indicator units. It can measure passive devices as well as active devices such as semiconductors and vacuum tubes.

An example transfer-function measurement would be the alpha of a transistor at 500 MHz or the immittance of a resistor or network at 1 GHz. Other uses are the measurement of reflection coefficient and VSWR of antennas and transmission lines.

As a bridge instrument, the 1607-A requires an oscillator and DNT or heterodyne type detector operating at the frequency of interest. The theory of operation of the Type 1607-A is similar to the 1602-B.


  • Frequency Range: 25 to 1500 MHz, with reduced accuracy above 1000 MHz and when flexible line-extension cables (required below 150 MHz) are used
  • Measurement Ranges and Accuracy: See manual

