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General Radio 1822
Digital Voltmeter Calibrator
General Radio 1822 Digital Voltmeter Calibrator

Available from 1970 to 1970

  • Manual Needed.
Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog U 1970 257
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 1822 Digital Voltmeter Calibrator was available in Catalog U (1970) only.

The Type 1822 is designed to produce accurate voltages for the testing and calibration of digital voltmeters. It can be used as a precise laboratory voltage reference from 100 μV DC to 1111.1 V DC. The output voltage is displayed using a mechanical digital display with automatic units and decimal placement. It can set to any value with five-digit resolution, the resolution is adjustable.

External programming is available through a rear-panel connector along with an internal automatic step function. Other features include an interference voltage function, polarity reversal, and adjustable output impedance.


  • Output Voltage: 100 μV DC to 1111.1 V DC in 7 decade ranges
  • Output Impedance: <0.5 Ω on 1 V through 1 kV ranges; 200 Ω on 1 mV through 100 mV ranges; A 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, or 100 kΩ output resistor can be added to above impedances by front-panel selector switch
  • Output Current: 10 mA at full range on 1, 10, and 100-V ranges; 1 mA on 1 kV range
  • Accuracy: ±(30 ppm of voltage + 10 ppm of full range + 3 μV) on all ranges except ±(50 ppm of voltage + 10 ppm of full range) on 1-kV range; Accuracy of rear-panel voltages ≤111 mV, ±(30 ppm of voltage + 10 ppm of range +0.5 μV)



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