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General Radio 505
General Radio 505 Capacitor

Available from 1934 to 1965

  • Manual Needed.
Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog G2 1934 188
Bulletin 936 1935 20
Catalog H 1935 149
Catalog J 1936 38
Catalog K1 1939 56
Catalog K2 1942 52
Catalog K3 1944 48
Catalog K4 1945 48
Catalog L 1948 51
Catalog M 1951 49
Catalog N 1954 54
Catalog O 1956 155
Catalog P 1959 168
Catalog Q 1961 170
Catalog R 1963 153
Catalog S 1965 193
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The General Radio 505 Capacitor was introduced in Catalog G2 (1934) and remained available through Catalog S (1965).

The Type 505 is a secondary capacitance standard using a silvered-mica dielectric. The capacitor is installed in a low-loss phenolic case along with Silica gel desiccant then sealed with wax. The Type 505 has almost as equally high stability as the 1409 Standard Capacitor at one quarter the cost. The Type 505 is found in many General Radio instruments as a capacitance standard. It is supplied in two case sizes, the small and large.

The 505 series of standard capacitors comprises


  • Accuracy: at 1 kHz, ±0.5% or ±3 pf, whichever is the larger
  • Dielectric: Silvered-Mica
  • Temperature Coefficient: Approximately +35 ppm per degree Centigrade between 10 and 50 C. Calibration is made at 23 C, at a frequency of 1 kHz


Type 505 Series of Capacitors
Type Capacitance Dissipation
Maximum Peak
Frequency Limit
for Max Volts
505-A 100 pF 0.0006 700 10 MHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9701
505-B 200 pF 0.0004 700 6 MHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9701
505-E 500 pF 0.00035 500 4 MHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9705
505-F 0.001 μF 0.0003 500 2.3 MHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9706
505-G 0.002 μF 0.0003 500 1.3 MHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9707
505-K 0.005 μF 0.0003 500 630 kHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9711
505-L 0.01 μF 0.0003 500 360 kHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9712
505-M 0.02 μF 0.0003 500 210 kHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9713
#505-Q 0.05 μF 0.0003 350 32 kHz >100,000 MΩ CONDENJACK
#505-R 0.05 μF 0.0003 500 100 kHz >100,000 MΩ 0505-9718
#505-T 0.1 μF 0.0003 500 50 kHz >50,000 MΩ 0505-9720
#505-U 0.2 μF 0.0003 500 20 kHz >25,000 MΩ 0505-9721
#505-X 0.5 μF 0.0003 500 10 kHz >10,000 MΩ 0505-9724
  • #Mounted in large case.


Small Case

Large Case