The General Radio 1615-A Capacitance Bridge was introduced in Catalog R (1963) and remained available through Catalog 1978.

General Radio 1615-A
Capacitance Bridge
General Radio 1615-A Capacitance Bridge

Available from 1963 to 1978+

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog R 1963 36
Catalog S 1965 58
Catalog T 1968 81
Catalog U 1970 89
Catalog73 1973 161
Catalog78 1978 46
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The Type 1615-A is a laboratory-grade capacitance bridge with an accuracy of ±.01%. It uses a specially designed transformer as part of the bridge circuit. The transformer's primary, connected to the generator terminals, supplies power to the bridge. Tapped secondary windings comprise two arms of the bridge. The tapped side of the transformer along with capacitance standards comprise one arm of the bridge circuit, the opposite side is in series with the unknown. Eight capacitance standards are housed in a sealed nitrogen filled container. This design enables the high performance of this bridge and stability of its measurements.

Balancing the bridge for capacitance is performed using six lever-type switches with twelve positions each, plus a range switch. This creates a 6-digit display in windows above of the measured capacitance with automatic decimal point placement. Dissipation factor or conductance are entered in a similar way, with four switches and a 4-digit display with the decimal point automatically placed according to the range switch position.

The 1615-A measures two- or three-terminal capacitances, selected by a panel switch using two sets of connectors, with three-terminal using two coaxial connectors or three binding posts, and two-terminal measurements with two binding posts. This switch also updates the simplified schematic engraved on the panel and has a position to enable a calibrate function. There's a small removable access panel covering the calibration adjustments.

An accessory, Type 1615-P1 Range Extension Capacitor was available that extends the upper limit to 11.11110 μF, and the Type 1615-P2 Coaxial Adapter converts two-terminal binding posts to the GR900 system.


  • Ranges Of Measurement
  • Capacitance: 10−17 F (10 aF or "μpF") to 1.11110 μF in 6 ranges
  • Dissipation-Factor: 0.000001 to 1 at 1 kHz in 3 ranges
  • Conductance: 2 ranges; See manual
  • Accuracy: ±0.01%
  • Frequency: Approximately 50 Hz to 10 kHz, with reduced accuracy to 100 kHz

