The General Radio 1157-A 500 MHz Scaler was introduced in Catalog U (1970) and remained available through Catalog 1978.

General Radio 1157-B
500 MHz scaler
General Radio 1157-A 500 MHz Scaler

Available from 1970 to 1978+

Catalog History
 Document Year Page
Catalog U 1970 200
Catalog73 1973 325
Catalog78 1978 244
(All manuals in PDF format unless noted otherwise)

The Type 1157-B is digital prescaler designed to extend the upper range of a counter to 500 MHz. It can divide the input by a factor of either 10 or 100, selected by a front panel switch. A panel meter informs the operator when the input signal is sufficient for triggering.

Input to the scaler is a locking GR-874 connector, output is a BNC connector on the front panel. Either connector can be relocated to the rear of the instrument.

An optional cabinet housing both the 1157-B scaler and an 1192 counter was available as Type 1192-Z.


  • Frequency Range: 1 to 500 MHz
  • Minimum Amplitude: 0.3 V p-p (0.1 V rms) on most sensitive setting of attenuator
  • Maximum Signal: 7 VRMS (1 W)
  • Impedance: AC coupled, 50 Ω
  • Switched Output: DC-coupled positive pulse, > 1 V behind 50 Ω. Repetition rate is input frequency divided by 10 or 100 depending on setting of panel switch.

