The General Radio 1394 Hi-Rate Pulse Generator were introduced in Catalog T (1968) and remained available through Catalog T (1968).
- Pulse Repetition Frequency
- Internally Generated: 1.0 to 100 MHz, in six ranges
- Externally Controlled: dc to 100 MHz
- Sychronizing-Pulse Output
- Duration: 4 nS
- Amplitude: 250 mVp-p, into 50 Ω
- Delay (between sync pulse and leading edge of output pulse): 0 to 99 ns in 1-ns steps, ±2.5% + 1 ns accuracy
- Output Pulse Characteristics
- Duration: 4 to 99 ns in 1-ns steps, ±2.5% + 1-ns accuracy
- Rise and Fall Times: 2.0 ns ± 20 %.