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General Radio 783A Output-Power Meter

The General Radio 783A is an Output-Power Meter introduced in 1944 Catalog K3 and remained available through Catalog Q 1961. The 783-A is acts as an adjustable load impedance, with a voltmeter calibrated directly in watts dissipated in the load. It can safely handle 100 W at audio frequencies. It can be used to test amplifiers, transformers, oscillators, filters, and similar networks.

CAUTION this device contains Asbestos.


  • Power Range: 0.2 mW to 100 W in five ranges.
  • Impedance Range: 2.5 to 20,000 Ω.
  • Power Accuracy: ±O.25 dB at full-scale reading. Over-all frequency characteristic of power indication is flat

within ±O.5 dB from 20 to 10,000 Hz; within 0.75 dB to 15,000 Hz.


