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The General Radio 1806-A Electronic Voltmeter was introduced in Catalog R (1963) and remained available through Catalog U (1970). It did not appear in Catalog 1973.

"The Type 1806-A Electronic Voltmeter is a high-input-impedance, wide-range voltmeter. It is used for the measurement of ac and both positive and negative dc voltages, up to 1500 volts. With the addition of the Type 1806-P1 Tee Connector accessory, it can measure accurately ac voltage on a 50-ohm coaxial line at frequencies up to 1500 MHz. It can also be used as an ohmmeter, for the measurement of dc resistance from 0.2 ohm to 1000 megohms."[1]

The Type 1806-A Electronic Voltmeter superseded the Type 1800-B Vacuum-Tube Voltmeter. It offered improved accuracy, better frequency response, a wider voltage range, and better stability.





  1. "Operating Instructions Type 1806-A Electronic Voltmeter", January 1965, General Radio Company